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Welcome To MY WORLD

Organization is more than just creating order, beautifying a space, or even color coordinating, it’s a lifestyle that always changing. My organizing journey wasn’t always seamless but today it’s pretty awesome and I’ll show you how to make it a joyous experience. Check out some organizing projects I’m currently working on,

After growing up in a less fortunate neighborhood, one of my first loves has always been creating a home I love. Being a lover of all things home, I’m constantly searching for pieces that make my home feel cozy, warm, and beautiful. Check out my latest home projects I’m working on and home things that inspire me.

Life is definitely what you make it so I’m all about doing all I can to make sure my life and those closest to me are enjoyable. Life is short so if I want it, I buy it. If I want to travel, I travel and if I want to eat good food all day, I eat my heart out! Check out what’s going on in my life and what I’m doing to live my best life.